# By Abdullah As-Sadeed { config , pkgs , ... }: let android-nixpkgs = pkgs.callPackage (import (builtins.fetchGit { url = "https://github.com/tadfisher/android-nixpkgs.git"; })) { channel = "stable"; }; android_sdk = android-nixpkgs.sdk (sdkPkgs: with sdkPkgs; [ build-tools-35-0-0 cmdline-tools-latest emulator extras-google-google-play-services platform-tools platforms-android-35 system-images-android-35-google-apis-playstore-x86-64 ]); android_sdk_path = "${android_sdk}/share/android-sdk"; home-manager = builtins.fetchTarball "https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/archive/refs/heads/master.tar.gz"; existing_library_paths = builtins.getEnv "LD_LIBRARY_PATH"; font_name = { mono = "NotoMono Nerd Font"; sans_serif = "NotoSans Nerd Font"; serif = "NotoSerif Nerd Font"; emoji = "Noto Color Emoji"; }; dracula_theme = { hex = { background = "#282A36"; current_line = "#44475A"; foreground = "#F8F8F2"; comment = "#6272A4"; cyan = "#8BE9FD"; green = "#50FA7B"; orange = "#FFB86C"; pink = "#FF79C6"; purple = "#BD93F9"; red = "#FF5555"; yellow = "#F1FA8C"; }; rgba = { background = "rgba(40, 42, 54, 1.0)"; current_line = "rgba(68, 71, 90, 1.0)"; foreground = "rgba(248, 248, 242, 1.0)"; comment = "rgba(98, 114, 164, 1.0)"; cyan = "rgba(139, 233, 253, 1.0)"; green = "rgba(80, 250, 123, 1.0)"; orange = "rgba(255, 184, 108, 1.0)"; pink = "rgba(255, 121, 198, 1.0)"; purple = "rgba(189, 147, 249, 1.0)"; red = "rgba(255, 85, 85, 1.0)"; yellow = "rgba(241, 250, 140, 1.0)"; }; }; cursor = { theme = { name = "Bibata-Modern-Classic"; package = pkgs.bibata-cursors; }; size = 24; }; wallpaper = builtins.fetchurl { url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JaKooLit/Wallpaper-Bank/refs/heads/main/wallpapers/Dark_Nature.png"; }; secrets = import ./secrets.nix; in { imports = [ (import "${home-manager}/nixos") ./hardware-configuration.nix ]; boot = { loader = { efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true; timeout = 2; systemd-boot = { enable = true; consoleMode = "max"; configurationLimit = null; memtest86.enable = true; }; }; initrd = { enable = true; kernelModules = [ ]; systemd = { enable = true; }; network.ssh.enable = true; verbose = true; }; kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_zen; kernelModules = [ "kvm-intel" ]; extraModulePackages = [ ]; extraModprobeConfig = "options kvm_intel nested=1"; kernelParams = [ "intel_iommu=on" "iommu=pt" "boot.shell_on_fail" "rd.systemd.show_status=true" # "rd.udev.log_level=3" # "udev.log_priority=3" ]; consoleLogLevel = 5; # 5 = KERN_NOTICE tmp.cleanOnBoot = true; plymouth = { enable = true; themePackages = [ pkgs.nixos-bgrt-plymouth ]; theme = "nixos-bgrt"; extraConfig = '' UseFirmwareBackground=true ''; }; }; time = { timeZone = "Asia/Dhaka"; hardwareClockInLocalTime = true; }; system = { copySystemConfiguration = true; switch.enable = true; tools = { nixos-build-vms.enable = true; nixos-enter.enable = true; nixos-generate-config.enable = true; nixos-install.enable = true; nixos-option.enable = true; nixos-rebuild.enable = true; nixos-version.enable = true; }; autoUpgrade = { enable = false; channel = "https://nixos.org/channels/nixos-unstable"; operation = "boot"; allowReboot = false; }; activationScripts = { }; userActivationScripts = { }; stateVersion = "24.11"; }; nix = { enable = true; channel.enable = true; settings = { experimental-features = [ "flakes" "nix-command" ]; require-sigs = true; sandbox = true; auto-optimise-store = true; cores = 0; # 0 = All # max-jobs = 1; }; gc = { automatic = true; dates = "weekly"; persistent = true; }; }; nixpkgs = { hostPlatform = "x86_64-linux"; config = { allowUnfree = true; android_sdk.accept_license = true; }; # overlays = [ # # ]; }; appstream.enable = true; i18n = { defaultLocale = "en_US.UTF-8"; extraLocaleSettings = { LC_ADDRESS = config.i18n.defaultLocale; LC_IDENTIFICATION = config.i18n.defaultLocale; LC_MEASUREMENT = config.i18n.defaultLocale; LC_MONETARY = config.i18n.defaultLocale; LC_NAME = config.i18n.defaultLocale; LC_NUMERIC = config.i18n.defaultLocale; LC_PAPER = config.i18n.defaultLocale; LC_TELEPHONE = config.i18n.defaultLocale; LC_TIME = config.i18n.defaultLocale; }; supportedLocales = [ "all" ]; inputMethod = { enable = true; type = "fcitx5"; fcitx5 = { waylandFrontend = true; plasma6Support = true; addons = with pkgs; [ fcitx5-openbangla-keyboard ]; }; }; }; networking = { hostName = "Bitscoper-WorkStation"; wireless = { dbusControlled = true; userControlled.enable = true; }; networkmanager = { enable = true; ethernet.macAddress = "permanent"; wifi = { backend = "wpa_supplicant"; powersave = false; scanRandMacAddress = true; macAddress = "permanent"; }; logLevel = "WARN"; }; firewall = { enable = false; allowPing = true; allowedTCPPorts = [ ]; allowedUDPPorts = [ ]; }; }; security = { allowSimultaneousMultithreading = true; tpm2.enable = true; lockKernelModules = false; pam.services.hyprlock = { fprintAuth = true; }; sudo = { enable = true; execWheelOnly = true; wheelNeedsPassword = true; }; polkit = { enable = true; }; soteria.enable = true; rtkit.enable = true; wrappers = { spice-client-glib-usb-acl-helper.source = "${pkgs.spice-gtk}/bin/spice-client-glib-usb-acl-helper"; }; audit = { enable = true; }; }; hardware = { enableAllFirmware = true; enableRedistributableFirmware = true; cpu = { intel = { updateMicrocode = true; }; }; graphics = { enable = true; enable32Bit = true; extraPackages = with pkgs; [ intel-media-driver intel-compute-runtime ]; }; sensor = { hddtemp = { enable = true; unit = "C"; drives = [ "/dev/disk/by-path/*" ]; }; }; bluetooth = { enable = true; powerOnBoot = true; }; rtl-sdr.enable = true; sane = { enable = true; openFirewall = true; }; steam-hardware.enable = true; }; virtualisation = { libvirtd = { enable = true; qemu = { package = pkgs.qemu_full; runAsRoot = true; swtpm.enable = true; ovmf = { enable = true; packages = [ (pkgs.OVMFFull.override { secureBoot = true; tpmSupport = true; }).fd ]; }; }; }; spiceUSBRedirection.enable = true; containers.enable = true; podman = { enable = true; dockerCompat = true; defaultNetwork.settings.dns_enabled = true; }; waydroid.enable = true; }; systemd = { packages = with pkgs; [ cloudflare-warp ]; globalEnvironment = { }; targets = { multi-user.wants = [ "warp-svc.service" ]; }; }; services = { flatpak.enable = true; fwupd.enable = true; asusd = { enable = true; enableUserService = true; }; acpid = { enable = true; powerEventCommands = '' ''; acEventCommands = '' ''; lidEventCommands = '' ''; logEvents = false; }; power-profiles-daemon.enable = true; logind = { killUserProcesses = true; lidSwitch = "ignore"; lidSwitchDocked = "ignore"; lidSwitchExternalPower = "ignore"; powerKey = "poweroff"; powerKeyLongPress = "poweroff"; rebootKey = "reboot"; rebootKeyLongPress = "reboot"; suspendKey = "ignore"; suspendKeyLongPress = "ignore"; hibernateKey = "ignore"; hibernateKeyLongPress = "ignore"; }; dbus.enable = true; fprintd = { enable = true; # tod = { # enable = true; # driver = ; # }; }; displayManager = { enable = true; defaultSession = "hyprland-uwsm"; preStart = '' ''; autoLogin = { enable = false; user = null; }; logToJournal = true; logToFile = true; }; greetd = { enable = true; restart = true; settings = { default_session = { command = "tuigreet --time --user-menu --greet-align center --asterisks --asterisks-char \"*\" --cmd \"uwsm start -S -F /run/current-system/sw/bin/Hyprland\""; user = "greeter"; }; }; }; udev = { enable = true; packages = with pkgs; [ android-udev-rules game-devices-udev-rules libmtp.out rtl-sdr usb-blaster-udev-rules ]; }; libinput = { enable = true; mouse = { leftHanded = false; disableWhileTyping = false; tapping = true; middleEmulation = true; clickMethod = "buttonareas"; scrollMethod = "twofinger"; naturalScrolling = true; horizontalScrolling = true; tappingDragLock = true; sendEventsMode = "enabled"; }; touchpad = { leftHanded = false; disableWhileTyping = false; tapping = true; middleEmulation = true; clickMethod = "buttonareas"; scrollMethod = "twofinger"; naturalScrolling = true; horizontalScrolling = true; tappingDragLock = true; sendEventsMode = "enabled"; }; }; pipewire = { enable = true; systemWide = false; socketActivation = true; audio.enable = true; alsa.enable = true; alsa.support32Bit = true; pulse.enable = true; jack.enable = true; wireplumber = { enable = true; extraConfig.bluetoothEnhancements = { "monitor.bluez.properties" = { "bluez5.enable-hw-volume" = true; "bluez5.enable-sbc-xq" = true; "bluez5.enable-msbc" = true; "bluez5.roles" = [ "a2dp_sink" "a2dp_source" "bap_sink" "bap_source" "hfp_ag" "hfp_hf" "hsp_ag" "hsp_hs" ]; "bluez5.codecs" = [ "aac" "aptx" "aptx_hd" "aptx_ll" "aptx_ll_duplex" "faststream" "faststream_duplex" "lc3" "lc3plus_h3" "ldac" "opus_05" "opus_05_51" "opus_05_71" "opus_05_duplex" "opus_05_pro" "sbc" "sbc_xq" ]; }; }; }; raopOpenFirewall = true; }; pulseaudio.enable = false; blueman.enable = true; printing = { enable = true; listenAddresses = [ "*:631" ]; browsing = true; webInterface = true; allowFrom = [ "all" ]; defaultShared = true; cups-pdf.enable = true; drivers = with pkgs; [ gutenprint ]; startWhenNeeded = true; extraConf = '' DefaultLanguage en ServerName ${config.networking.hostName} ServerAlias * ServerTokens Full ServerAdmin bitscoper@${config.networking.hostName} BrowseLocalProtocols all BrowseWebIF On HostNameLookups On AccessLogLevel config AutoPurgeJobs Yes PreserveJobHistory Off PreserveJobFiles Off DirtyCleanInterval 30 LogTimeFormat standard ''; logLevel = "warn"; openFirewall = true; }; ipp-usb.enable = true; system-config-printer.enable = true; avahi = { enable = true; ipv4 = true; ipv6 = true; nssmdns4 = true; nssmdns6 = true; wideArea = true; publish = { enable = true; domain = true; addresses = true; workstation = true; hinfo = true; userServices = true; }; domainName = config.networking.hostName; hostName = config.networking.hostName; openFirewall = true; }; bind = { enable = false; listenOn = [ "any" ]; ipv4Only = false; listenOnIpv6 = [ "any" ]; cacheNetworks = [ "" "::1/128" ]; extraOptions = '' recursion no; ''; }; openssh = { enable = true; listenAddresses = [ { addr = ""; } ]; ports = [ 22 ]; allowSFTP = true; banner = config.networking.hostName; authorizedKeysInHomedir = true; settings = { PermitRootLogin = "yes"; PasswordAuthentication = true; X11Forwarding = false; StrictModes = true; UseDns = true; LogLevel = "ERROR"; }; openFirewall = true; }; sshd.enable = true; cockpit = { enable = true; port = 9090; openFirewall = true; }; phpfpm = { phpOptions = '' default_charset = "UTF-8" error_reporting = E_ALL display_errors = Off log_errors = On cgi.force_redirect = 1 expose_php = On file_uploads = On session.cookie_lifetime = 0 session.use_cookies = 1 session.use_only_cookies = 1 session.use_strict_mode = 1 session.cookie_httponly = 1 session.cookie_secure = 1 session.cookie_samesite = "Strict" session.gc_maxlifetime = 43200 session.use_trans_sid = O session.cache_limiter = nocache session.sid_length = 248 ''; }; postgresql = { enable = true; package = pkgs.postgresql; enableTCPIP = true; settings = pkgs.lib.mkForce { listen_addresses = "*"; port = 5432; jit = true; }; authentication = pkgs.lib.mkOverride 10 '' local all all trust host all all md5 host all all ::/0 md5 local replication all trust host replication all md5 host replication all ::/0 md5 ''; checkConfig = true; initialScript = pkgs.writeText "initScript" '' ALTER USER postgres WITH PASSWORD '${secrets.password_1_of_bitscoper}'; ''; }; mysql = { enable = true; package = pkgs.mariadb; settings = { mysqld = { bind-address = ""; port = 3306; sql_mode = ""; }; }; initialScript = pkgs.writeText "initScript" '' grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'%' identified by password '${secrets.hashed_password_1_of_bitscoper}' with grant option; DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE `Host`='localhost' AND `User`='root'; flush privileges; ''; }; memcached = { enable = true; listen = ""; port = 11211; enableUnixSocket = false; maxMemory = 64; # Megabytes maxConnections = 256; }; postfix = { enable = true; enableSmtp = true; enableSubmission = true; enableSubmissions = true; domain = config.networking.hostName; hostname = config.networking.hostName; origin = config.networking.hostName; virtualMapType = "pcre"; aliasMapType = "pcre"; enableHeaderChecks = true; setSendmail = true; config = { }; }; opendkim = { enable = true; domains = "csl:${config.networking.hostName}"; selector = "default"; settings = { }; }; dovecot2 = { enable = true; modules = with pkgs; [ ]; enableImap = true; enablePop3 = true; enableLmtp = true; protocols = [ "imap" "pop3" "lmtp" ]; enableQuota = true; quotaPort = "12340"; enableDHE = true; createMailUser = true; enablePAM = true; showPAMFailure = true; pluginSettings = { }; extraConfig = '' ''; }; icecast = { enable = true; hostname = config.networking.hostName; listen = { address = ""; port = 17101; }; admin = { user = "bitscoper"; password = secrets.password_1_of_bitscoper; }; extraConf = '' <location>${config.networking.hostName}</location> <admin>bitscoper@${config.networking.hostName}</admin> <authentication> <source-password>${secrets.password_2_of_bitscoper}</source-password> <relay-password>${secrets.password_2_of_bitscoper}</relay-password> </authentication> <directory> <yp-url-timeout>15</yp-url-timeout> <yp-url>http://dir.xiph.org/cgi-bin/yp-cgi</yp-url> </directory> <logging> <loglevel>2</loglevel> </logging> <server-id>${config.networking.hostName}</server-id> ''; }; jellyfin = { enable = true; openFirewall = true; }; ollama = { enable = true; host = ""; port = 11434; openFirewall = true; }; open-webui = { enable = true; host = ""; port = 11111; environment = { ANONYMIZED_TELEMETRY = "False"; DO_NOT_TRACK = "True"; DEFAULT_LOCALE = "en"; ENABLE_ADMIN_CHAT_ACCESS = "True"; ENABLE_ADMIN_EXPORT = "True"; SHOW_ADMIN_DETAILS = "True"; ADMIN_EMAIL = "bitscoper@${config.networking.hostName}"; USER_PERMISSIONS_WORKSPACE_MODELS_ACCESS = "True"; USER_PERMISSIONS_WORKSPACE_KNOWLEDGE_ACCESS = "True"; USER_PERMISSIONS_WORKSPACE_PROMPTS_ACCESS = "True"; USER_PERMISSIONS_WORKSPACE_TOOLS_ACCESS = "True"; USER_PERMISSIONS_CHAT_TEMPORARY = "True"; USER_PERMISSIONS_CHAT_FILE_UPLOAD = "True"; USER_PERMISSIONS_CHAT_EDIT = "True"; USER_PERMISSIONS_CHAT_DELETE = "True"; ENABLE_CHANNELS = "True"; ENABLE_REALTIME_CHAT_SAVE = "True"; ENABLE_AUTOCOMPLETE_GENERATION = "True"; AUTOCOMPLETE_GENERATION_INPUT_MAX_LENGTH = "-1"; ENABLE_RAG_WEB_SEARCH = "True"; ENABLE_SEARCH_QUERY_GENERATION = "True"; ENABLE_TAGS_GENERATION = "True"; ENABLE_IMAGE_GENERATION = "True"; YOUTUBE_LOADER_LANGUAGE = "en"; ENABLE_MESSAGE_RATING = "True"; ENABLE_COMMUNITY_SHARING = "True"; ENABLE_RAG_WEB_LOADER_SSL_VERIFICATION = "True"; WEBUI_SESSION_COOKIE_SAME_SITE = "strict"; WEBUI_SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = "True"; WEBUI_AUTH = "False"; ENABLE_OLLAMA_API = "True"; OLLAMA_BASE_URL = ""; }; openFirewall = true; }; logrotate = { enable = true; checkConfig = true; allowNetworking = true; }; }; programs = { command-not-found.enable = true; nix-ld = { enable = true; libraries = with pkgs; [ ]; }; appimage = { enable = true; binfmt = true; }; uwsm.enable = true; hyprland = { enable = true; withUWSM = true; portalPackage = pkgs.xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland; xwayland.enable = true; }; xwayland.enable = true; bash = { completion.enable = true; enableLsColors = true; shellAliases = { }; loginShellInit = '' ''; shellInit = '' ''; interactiveShellInit = '' PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a" ''; }; nix-index.enableBashIntegration = true; java = { enable = true; package = pkgs.jdk23; binfmt = true; }; ssh = { startAgent = true; agentTimeout = null; }; gnupg = { agent = { enable = true; enableBrowserSocket = true; enableExtraSocket = true; enableSSHSupport = false; pinentryPackage = (pkgs.pinentry-rofi.override { rofi = pkgs.rofi-wayland; }); }; dirmngr.enable = true; }; nm-applet = { enable = true; indicator = true; }; git = { enable = true; package = pkgs.gitFull; lfs = { enable = true; enablePureSSHTransfer = true; }; prompt.enable = true; config = { init = { defaultBranch = "main"; }; }; }; adb.enable = true; usbtop.enable = true; virt-manager.enable = true; system-config-printer.enable = true; nano = { enable = true; nanorc = '' ''; }; firefox = { enable = true; languagePacks = [ "bn" "en-US" ]; preferences = { }; }; thunderbird = { enable = true; package = pkgs.thunderbird-latest; preferences = { }; }; steam = { enable = true; extraCompatPackages = with pkgs; [ proton-ge-bin ]; protontricks.enable = true; localNetworkGameTransfers.openFirewall = true; remotePlay.openFirewall = true; dedicatedServer.openFirewall = true; }; localsend = { enable = true; openFirewall = true; }; dconf = { enable = true; profiles.user.databases = [ { lockAll = true; settings = { "system/locale" = { region = "en_US.UTF-8"; }; "org/virt-manager/virt-manager/connections" = { autoconnect = [ "qemu:///system" ]; uris = [ "qemu:///system" ]; }; "org/virt-manager/virt-manager" = { xmleditor-enabled = true; }; "org/virt-manager/virt-manager/stats" = { enable-cpu-poll = true; enable-disk-poll = true; enable-memory-poll = true; enable-net-poll = true; }; "org/virt-manager/virt-manager/confirm" = { delete-storage = true; forcepoweroff = true; pause = true; poweroff = true; removedev = true; unapplied-dev = true; }; "org/virt-manager/virt-manager/console" = { auto-redirect = false; autoconnect = true; }; "org/virt-manager/virt-manager/vmlist-fields" = { cpu-usage = true; disk-usage = true; host-cpu-usage = true; memory-usage = true; network-traffic = true; }; "org/virt-manager/virt-manager/new-vm" = { cpu-default = "host-passthrough"; }; "com/github/huluti/Curtail" = { file-attributes = true; metadata = false; new-file = true; recursive = true; }; }; } ]; }; }; fonts = { enableDefaultPackages = false; packages = with pkgs; [ corefonts nerd-fonts.noto noto-fonts noto-fonts-cjk-sans noto-fonts-cjk-serif noto-fonts-color-emoji noto-fonts-lgc-plus ]; fontconfig = { enable = true; allowBitmaps = true; allowType1 = false; cache32Bit = true; defaultFonts = { monospace = [ font_name.mono ]; sansSerif = [ font_name.sans_serif ]; serif = [ font_name.serif ]; emoji = [ font_name.emoji ]; }; includeUserConf = true; }; }; environment = { enableDebugInfo = false; enableAllTerminfo = true; wordlist = { enable = true; # lists = ; }; homeBinInPath = true; localBinInPath = true; stub-ld.enable = true; variables = pkgs.lib.mkForce { ANDROID_SDK_ROOT = android_sdk_path; ANDROID_HOME = android_sdk_path; # LD_LIBRARY_PATH = "${pkgs.glib.out}/lib/:${pkgs.libGL}/lib/:${pkgs.stdenv.cc.cc.lib}/lib:${existing_library_paths}"; }; sessionVariables = { NIXOS_OZONE_WL = "1"; CHROME_EXECUTABLE = "chromium"; }; shellAliases = { clean_build = "sudo nix-channel --update && sudo nix-env -u --always && sudo rm -rf /nix/var/nix/gcroots/auto/* && sudo nix-collect-garbage -d && nix-collect-garbage -d && sudo nix-store --gc && sudo nixos-rebuild switch --install-bootloader --upgrade-all"; }; extraInit = '' ''; loginShellInit = '' rm -rf ~/.android/avd ln -sf ~/.config/.android/avd ~/.android/avd ''; shellInit = '' ''; interactiveShellInit = '' ''; systemPackages = with pkgs; [ # appimagekit # hyprpolkitagent # reiser4progs acl agi aircrack-ng android-backup-extractor android-tools android_sdk # Custom anydesk appimage-run aribb24 aribb25 audacity avrdude bat bleachbit blender bluez bluez-tools brightnessctl btop btrfs-progs burpsuite butt bzip2 certbot-full clang clinfo cliphist cloudflare-warp cmake coreutils-full cryptsetup cups cups-filters cups-pdf-to-pdf cups-printers curlFull curtail d-spy dart dbeaver-bin dconf-editor dmg2img dosfstools e2fsprogs esptool exfatprogs f2fs-tools faac faad2 fastfetch fd fdk_aac ffmpeg-full ffmpegthumbnailer fh file flutter327 fritzing fwupd-efi gcc gdb gh gimp-with-plugins git-doc glib glibc gnome-font-viewer gnugrep gnulib gnumake gnused gnutar gnutls gource gparted gpredict gradle gradle-completion greetd.tuigreet grim guestfs-tools gzip hfsprogs hw-probe hyprcursor hyprls hyprpicker i2c-tools ideviceinstaller idevicerestore iftop inotify-tools jellyfin-media-player jfsutils john johnny jq keepassxc kind kubectl kubectl-graph kubectl-tree kubectl-view-allocations kubectl-view-secret kubernetes lhasa libGL libaom libappimage libde265 libdvdcss libdvdnav libdvdread libfprint libfprint-tod libftdi1 libgcc libgpg-error libguestfs libheif libideviceactivation libimobiledevice libnotify libopus libosinfo libportal libreoffice-fresh libusb1 libuuid libva-utils libvirt libvpx libwebp lsof lvm2 lynis mattermost-desktop metasploit mixxx mtools networkmanagerapplet nilfs-utils ninja nix-bash-completions nix-diff nix-index nix-info nixos-icons nixpkgs-fmt nixpkgs-lint nixpkgs-review nmap ntfs3g obs-studio oculante onedrive onionshare-gui openssl p7zip patchelf pavucontrol pciutils pcmanfm pcre pgadmin4-desktopmode php84 pkg-config platformio platformio-core playerctl podman-compose podman-desktop python313Full qbittorrent qemu-utils qpwgraph rar readline reiserfsprogs ripgrep rpPPPoE rtl-sdr-librtlsdr sane-backends schroedinger scrcpy screen sdrangel sdrpp slurp smartmontools social-engineer-toolkit spice-gtk spice-protocol telegram-desktop texliveFull thermald tor-browser tree udftools unar undollar ungoogled-chromium unicode-emoji universal-android-debloater unrar unzip usbutils util-linux virt-viewer virtio-win virtiofsd vlc vlc-bittorrent vscode-js-debug waybar-mpris waycheck wayland wayland-protocols wayland-utils waylevel wev wget which wireplumber wireshark wl-clipboard wordpress wpscan x264 x265 xarchiver xdg-user-dirs xdg-utils xfsdump xfsprogs xorg.xhost xoscope xvidcore yaml-language-server yt-dlp zip (vscode-with-extensions.override { # vscode = vscodium; vscodeExtensions = with vscode-extensions; [ aaron-bond.better-comments adpyke.codesnap albymor.increment-selection alefragnani.bookmarks alexisvt.flutter-snippets bierner.github-markdown-preview bierner.markdown-mermaid christian-kohler.path-intellisense codezombiech.gitignore coolbear.systemd-unit-file dart-code.dart-code dart-code.flutter davidanson.vscode-markdownlint davidlday.languagetool-linter devsense.phptools-vscode devsense.profiler-php-vscode dracula-theme.theme-dracula ecmel.vscode-html-css esbenp.prettier-vscode firefox-devtools.vscode-firefox-debug formulahendry.auto-close-tag formulahendry.auto-rename-tag foxundermoon.shell-format github.copilot github.copilot-chat github.vscode-github-actions github.vscode-pull-request-github grapecity.gc-excelviewer gruntfuggly.todo-tree ibm.output-colorizer irongeek.vscode-env james-yu.latex-workshop jnoortheen.nix-ide jock.svg kamikillerto.vscode-colorize mads-hartmann.bash-ide-vscode mechatroner.rainbow-csv mishkinf.goto-next-previous-member moshfeu.compare-folders ms-azuretools.vscode-docker ms-python.black-formatter ms-python.debugpy ms-python.python ms-toolsai.datawrangler ms-vscode-remote.remote-containers ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh-edit ms-vscode.cpptools ms-vscode.hexeditor ms-vscode.live-server ms-vscode.makefile-tools oderwat.indent-rainbow redhat.vscode-xml redhat.vscode-yaml ryu1kn.partial-diff shardulm94.trailing-spaces spywhere.guides tamasfe.even-better-toml timonwong.shellcheck tyriar.sort-lines vincaslt.highlight-matching-tag visualstudioexptteam.intellicode-api-usage-examples visualstudioexptteam.vscodeintellicode vscjava.vscode-gradle wmaurer.change-case xdebug.php-debug zainchen.json ] ++ pkgs.vscode-utils.extensionsFromVscodeMarketplace [ { name = "vscode-sort-json"; publisher = "richie5um2"; version = "1.20.0"; sha256 = "Jobx5Pf4SYQVR2I4207RSSP9I85qtVY6/2Nvs/Vvi/0="; } { name = "platformio-ide"; publisher = "platformio"; version = "3.3.3"; sha256 = "pcWKBqtpU7DVpiT7UF6Zi+YUKknyjtXFEf5nL9+xuSo="; } { name = "vscode-serial-monitor"; publisher = "ms-vscode"; version = "0.13.1"; sha256 = "qZKCNG5EdMwzE9y3WVxaPMdTP9Y0xbe8kozjU7v44OI="; } ]; }) ] ++ (with unixtools; [ arp ifconfig netstat nettools ping route util-linux whereis ]) ++ (with gst_all_1; [ gst-libav gst-plugins-bad gst-plugins-base gst-plugins-good gst-plugins-ugly gst-vaapi gstreamer ]) ++ (with php84Extensions; [ bz2 calendar ctype curl dba dom exif ffi fileinfo filter ftp gd iconv imagick imap # mailparse memcached mysqli mysqlnd opcache openssl pcntl pdo pdo_mysql pdo_pgsql pgsql posix readline session sockets sodium xdebug xml xmlreader xmlwriter xsl zip zlib ]) ++ (with php84Packages; [ ]) ++ (with python313Packages; [ bangla black datetime matplotlib numpy pandas pillow pip pyserial requests seaborn tkinter ]) ++ (with texlivePackages; [ bangla latexmk quran quran-bn quran-en ]); }; xdg = { mime = { enable = true; addedAssociations = config.xdg.mime.defaultApplications; removedAssociations = { }; # https://www.iana.org/assignments/media-types/media-types.xhtml # Excluding "application/x-*" and "x-scheme-handler/*" defaultApplications = { "inode/directory" = "pcmanfm.desktop"; "text/1d-interleaved-parityfec" = "code.desktop"; "text/RED" = "code.desktop"; "text/SGML" = "code.desktop"; "text/cache-manifest" = "code.desktop"; "text/calendar" = "code.desktop"; "text/cql" = "code.desktop"; "text/cql-expression" = "code.desktop"; "text/cql-identifier" = "code.desktop"; "text/css" = "code.desktop"; "text/csv" = "code.desktop"; "text/csv-schema" = "code.desktop"; "text/directory" = "code.desktop"; "text/dns" = "code.desktop"; "text/ecmascript" = "code.desktop"; "text/encaprtp" = "code.desktop"; "text/enriched" = "code.desktop"; "text/fhirpath" = "code.desktop"; "text/flexfec" = "code.desktop"; "text/fwdred" = "code.desktop"; 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"application/vnd.rar" = "xarchiver.desktop"; "application/x-7z-compressed" = "xarchiver.desktop"; "application/x-arj" = "xarchiver.desktop"; "application/x-bzip2" = "xarchiver.desktop"; "application/x-gtar" = "xarchiver.desktop"; "application/x-rar-compressed " = "xarchiver.desktop"; # More common than "application/vnd.rar" "application/x-tar" = "xarchiver.desktop"; "application/zip" = "xarchiver.desktop"; "x-scheme-handler/http" = "firefox.desktop"; "x-scheme-handler/https" = "firefox.desktop"; "x-scheme-handler/mailto" = "thunderbird.desktop"; }; }; icons.enable = true; sounds.enable = true; menus.enable = true; autostart.enable = true; terminal-exec.enable = true; portal = { enable = true; xdgOpenUsePortal = false; # Opening Programs extraPortals = with pkgs; [ xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland ]; }; }; documentation = { enable = true; dev.enable = true; doc.enable = true; info.enable = true; man = { enable = true; generateCaches = true; man-db.enable = true; }; nixos = { enable = true; includeAllModules = true; options.warningsAreErrors = false; }; }; users = { enforceIdUniqueness = true; mutableUsers = true; motd = "Welcome"; users.bitscoper = { isNormalUser = true; name = "bitscoper"; description = "Abdullah As-Sadeed"; # Full Name extraGroups = [ "adbusers" "audio" "dialout" "input" "jellyfin" "kvm" "libvirtd" "lp" "networkmanager" "plugdev" "podman" "qemu-libvirtd" "scanner" "tty" "uucp" "video" "wheel" "wireshark" ]; }; }; home-manager = { useGlobalPkgs = true; useUserPackages = true; backupFileExtension = "old"; sharedModules = [ { home = { pointerCursor = { name = cursor.theme.name; package = cursor.theme.package; size = cursor.size; hyprcursor = { enable = true; size = cursor.size; }; gtk.enable = true; }; stateVersion = "24.11"; }; wayland.windowManager.hyprland = { enable = true; systemd = { enable = false; enableXdgAutostart = true; # extraCommands = [ # ]; variables = [ "--all" ]; }; plugins = [ ]; xwayland.enable = true; sourceFirst = true; settings = { monitor = [ ", highres, auto, 1" # Name, Resolution, Position, Scale ]; env = [ "XCURSOR_SIZE, ${toString cursor.size}" ]; exec-once = [ "setfacl --modify user:jellyfin:--x ~ & adb start-server &" "sleep 2 && uwsm app -- keepassxc" "uwsm app -- wl-paste --type text --watch cliphist store" "uwsm app -- wl-paste --type image --watch cliphist store" "sleep 2 && systemctl --user start warp-taskbar" "uwsm app -- sdkmanager --licenses" ]; bind = [ "SUPER, L, exec, uwsm app -- hyprlock --immediate" "SUPER CTRL, L, exec, uwsm stop" "SUPER CTRL, P, exec, systemctl poweroff" "SUPER CTRL, R, exec, systemctl reboot" "SUPER, 1, workspace, 1" "SUPER, 2, workspace, 2" "SUPER, 3, workspace, 3" "SUPER, 4, workspace, 4" "SUPER, 5, workspace, 5" "SUPER, 6, workspace, 6" "SUPER, 7, workspace, 7" "SUPER, 8, workspace, 8" "SUPER, 9, workspace, 9" "SUPER, 0, workspace, 10" "SUPER, mouse_down, workspace, e+1" "SUPER, mouse_up, workspace, e-1" "SUPER, S, togglespecialworkspace, magic" "SUPER, left, movefocus, l" "SUPER, right, movefocus, r" "SUPER, up, movefocus, u" "SUPER, down, movefocus, d" "SUPER SHIFT, T, togglesplit," "SUPER SHIFT, F, togglefloating," ", F11, fullscreen, 0" "SUPER, Q, killactive," "SUPER SHIFT, 1, movetoworkspace, 1" "SUPER SHIFT, 2, movetoworkspace, 2" "SUPER SHIFT, 3, movetoworkspace, 3" "SUPER SHIFT, 4, movetoworkspace, 4" "SUPER SHIFT, 5, movetoworkspace, 5" "SUPER SHIFT, 6, movetoworkspace, 6" "SUPER SHIFT, 7, movetoworkspace, 7" "SUPER SHIFT, 8, movetoworkspace, 8" "SUPER SHIFT, 9, movetoworkspace, 9" "SUPER SHIFT, 0, movetoworkspace, 10" "SUPER SHIFT, S, movetoworkspace, special:magic" "SUPER SHIFT ALT, 1, movetoworkspacesilent, 1" "SUPER SHIFT ALT, 2, movetoworkspacesilent, 2" "SUPER SHIFT ALT, 3, movetoworkspacesilent, 3" "SUPER SHIFT ALT, 4, movetoworkspacesilent, 4" "SUPER SHIFT ALT, 5, movetoworkspacesilent, 5" "SUPER SHIFT ALT, 6, movetoworkspacesilent, 6" "SUPER SHIFT ALT, 7, movetoworkspacesilent, 7" "SUPER SHIFT ALT, 8, movetoworkspacesilent, 8" "SUPER SHIFT ALT, 9, movetoworkspacesilent, 9" "SUPER SHIFT ALT, 0, movetoworkspacesilent, 10" "SUPER SHIFT ALT, S, movetoworkspacesilent, special:magic" "SUPER SHIFT, V, exec, cliphist list | rofi -dmenu | cliphist decode | wl-copy" ", PRINT, exec, filename=\"$(xdg-user-dir DOWNLOAD)/Screenshot_$(date +'%Y-%B-%d_%I-%M-%S_%p').png\"; grim -g \"$(slurp -d)\" -t png -l 9 \"$filename\" && wl-copy < \"$filename\"" "SUPER, R, exec, uwsm app -- rofi -show drun" "SUPER SHIFT, R, exec, uwsm app -- rofi -show run" "SUPER, T, exec, uwsm app -- kitty" ", XF86Explorer, exec, uwsm app -- pcmanfm" "SUPER, E, exec, uwsm app -- pcmanfm" "SUPER, F, exec, uwsm app -- kitty --hold sh -c \"fastfetch --thread true --detect-version true --logo-preserve-aspect-ratio true --temp-unit c --title-fqdn true --disk-show-regular true --disk-show-external true --disk-show-hidden true --disk-show-subvolumes true --disk-show-readonly true --disk-show-unknown true --physicaldisk-temp true --bluetooth-show-disconnected true --display-precise-refresh-rate true --cpu-temp true --cpu-show-pe-core-count true --cpuusage-separate true --gpu-temp true --gpu-driver-specific true --battery-temp true --localip-show-ipv4 true --localip-show-ipv6 true --localip-show-mac true --localip-show-loop true --localip-show-mtu true --localip-show-speed true --localip-show-prefix-len true --localip-show-all-ips true --localip-show-flags true --wm-detect-plugin true\"" "SUPER, B, exec, uwsm app -- kitty sh -c \"btop\"" "SUPER, W, exec, uwsm app -- firefox" "SUPER ALT, W, exec, uwsm app -- firefox --private-window" ", XF86Mail, exec, uwsm app -- thunderbird" "SUPER, M, exec, uwsm app -- thunderbird" "SUPER, C, exec, uwsm app -- code" "SUPER, D, exec, uwsm app -- dbeaver" "SUPER, V, exec, uwsm app -- vlc" ]; bindm = [ "SUPER, mouse:272, movewindow" "SUPER, mouse:273, resizewindow" ]; bindl = [ ", XF86AudioPlay, exec, playerctl play-pause" ", XF86AudioPause, exec, playerctl play-pause" ", XF86AudioStop, exec, playerctl stop" ", XF86AudioPrev, exec, playerctl previous" ", XF86AudioNext, exec, playerctl next" ]; bindel = [ ", XF86MonBrightnessUp, exec, brightnessctl s 1%+" ", XF86MonBrightnessDown, exec, brightnessctl s 1%-" ", XF86AudioRaiseVolume, exec, wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 1%+" ", XF86AudioLowerVolume, exec, wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 1%-" ", XF86AudioMute, exec, wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ toggle" ", XF86AudioMicMute, exec, wpctl set-mute @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SOURCE@ toggle" ]; general = { allow_tearing = false; gaps_workspaces = 0; layout = "dwindle"; gaps_in = 2; gaps_out = 4; no_border_on_floating = false; border_size = 1; "col.active_border" = "rgba(33ccffee) rgba(00ff99ee) 45deg"; "col.inactive_border" = "rgba(595959aa)"; no_focus_fallback = false; resize_on_border = true; hover_icon_on_border = true; }; misc = { disable_autoreload = false; allow_session_lock_restore = true; key_press_enables_dpms = true; mouse_move_enables_dpms = true; vfr = true; vrr = 1; render_ahead_of_time = false; mouse_move_focuses_monitor = true; disable_hyprland_logo = false; force_default_wallpaper = 0; disable_splash_rendering = true; font_family = "NotoSans Nerd Font"; close_special_on_empty = true; animate_mouse_windowdragging = false; animate_manual_resizes = false; exit_window_retains_fullscreen = false; layers_hog_keyboard_focus = true; focus_on_activate = false; middle_click_paste = true; }; dwindle = { pseudotile = false; use_active_for_splits = true; force_split = 0; # Follows Mouse smart_split = false; preserve_split = true; smart_resizing = true; }; xwayland = { enabled = true; force_zero_scaling = true; use_nearest_neighbor = true; }; windowrulev2 = [ "suppressevent maximize, class:.*" "nofocus,class:^$,title:^$,xwayland:1,floating:1,fullscreen:0,pinned:0" ]; input = { kb_layout = "us"; numlock_by_default = true; follow_mouse = 1; focus_on_close = 1; left_handed = false; sensitivity = 1; # Mouse natural_scroll = false; touchpad = { natural_scroll = true; tap-to-click = true; tap-and-drag = true; drag_lock = true; disable_while_typing = true; }; touchdevice = { enabled = true; }; tablet = { left_handed = false; }; }; gestures = { # Touchpad workspace_swipe = true; workspace_swipe_invert = true; # Touchscreen workspace_swipe_touch = false; workspace_swipe_touch_invert = false; workspace_swipe_create_new = true; workspace_swipe_forever = true; }; decoration = { rounding = 10; active_opacity = 1.0; inactive_opacity = 1.0; shadow = { enabled = true; range = 4; render_power = 3; color = "rgba(1a1a1aee)"; }; blur = { enabled = true; size = 3; passes = 1; vibrancy = 0.1696; }; }; animations = { enabled = "yes"; bezier = [ "easeOutQuint,0.23,1,0.32,1" "easeInOutCubic,0.65,0.05,0.36,1" "linear,0,0,1,1" "almostLinear,0.5,0.5,0.75,1.0" "quick,0.15,0,0.1,1" ]; animation = [ "global, 1, 10, default" "border, 1, 5.39, easeOutQuint" "windows, 1, 4.79, easeOutQuint" "windowsIn, 1, 4.1, easeOutQuint, popin 87%" "windowsOut, 1, 1.49, linear, popin 87%" "fadeIn, 1, 1.73, almostLinear" "fadeOut, 1, 1.46, almostLinear" "fade, 1, 3.03, quick" "layers, 1, 3.81, easeOutQuint" "layersIn, 1, 4, easeOutQuint, fade" "layersOut, 1, 1.5, linear, fade" "fadeLayersIn, 1, 1.79, almostLinear" "fadeLayersOut, 1, 1.39, almostLinear" "workspaces, 1, 1.94, almostLinear, fade" "workspacesIn, 1, 1.21, almostLinear, fade" "workspacesOut, 1, 1.94, almostLinear, fade" ]; }; }; extraConfig = '' ''; }; xdg = { mime.enable = true; mimeApps = { enable = true; associations = { added = config.xdg.mime.addedAssociations; removed = config.xdg.mime.removedAssociations; }; defaultApplications = config.xdg.mime.defaultApplications; }; configFile = { "mimeapps.list".force = true; }; }; gtk = { enable = true; theme = { name = "Dracula"; package = pkgs.dracula-theme; }; iconTheme = { name = "Dracula"; package = pkgs.dracula-icon-theme; }; cursorTheme = { name = cursor.theme.name; package = cursor.theme.package; size = cursor.size; }; font = { name = font_name.sans_serif; package = pkgs.nerd-fonts.noto; size = 11; }; }; qt = { enable = true; platformTheme.name = "gtk"; style = { name = "Dracula"; package = pkgs.dracula-qt5-theme; }; }; services = { mako = { enable = true; actions = true; anchor = "top-right"; layer = "top"; margin = "10"; sort = "-time"; maxVisible = 5; # -1 = Disabled ignoreTimeout = false; defaultTimeout = 0; # 0 = Disabled borderRadius = 8; borderSize = 1; borderColor = dracula_theme.hex.comment; backgroundColor = dracula_theme.hex.background; padding = "4"; icons = true; maxIconSize = 16; markup = true; font = "${font_name.sans_serif} 11"; textColor = dracula_theme.hex.foreground; format = "<b>%s</b>\\n%b"; extraConfig = '' history=1 on-notify=none on-button-left=dismiss on-button-right=exec makoctl menu rofi -dmenu -p 'Choose Action' on-button-middle=none on-touch=exec makoctl menu rofi -dmenu -p 'Choose Action' [urgency=low] border-color=${dracula_theme.hex.current_line} [urgency=normal] border-color=${dracula_theme.hex.comment} [urgency=high] border-color=${dracula_theme.hex.red} ''; }; hyprpaper = { enable = true; settings = { ipc = "on"; splash = false; preload = [ wallpaper ]; wallpaper = [ ", ${wallpaper}" ]; }; }; }; programs = { hyprlock = { enable = true; sourceFirst = true; settings = { general = { disable_loading_bar = true; immediate_render = true; fractional_scaling = 2; # 2 = Automatic no_fade_in = false; no_fade_out = false; hide_cursor = false; text_trim = false; grace = 0; ignore_empty_input = true; }; auth = { pam = { enabled = true; }; }; background = [ { monitor = ""; path = wallpaper; } ]; label = [ { monitor = ""; halign = "center"; valign = "top"; position = "0, -128"; text_align = "center"; font_family = font_name.sans_serif; color = dracula_theme.rgba.foreground; font_size = 64; text = "$TIME12"; } { monitor = ""; halign = "center"; valign = "center"; position = "0, 0"; text_align = "center"; font_family = font_name.sans_serif; color = dracula_theme.rgba.foreground; font_size = 16; text = "$DESC"; # Full Name } ]; input-field = [ { monitor = ""; halign = "center"; valign = "bottom"; position = "0, 128"; size = "256, 48"; rounding = 16; outline_thickness = 1; # outer_color = ""; shadow_passes = 0; hide_input = false; inner_color = dracula_theme.rgba.current_line; font_family = font_name.sans_serif; font_color = dracula_theme.rgba.foreground; placeholder_text = "Password"; dots_center = true; dots_rounding = -1; fade_on_empty = true; invert_numlock = false; # capslock_color = ""; # numlock_color = ""; # bothlock_color = ""; # check_color = ""; # fail_color = ""; fail_text = "<i>$FAIL <b>($ATTEMPTS)</b></i>"; fail_timeout = 2000; } ]; }; extraConfig = '' ''; }; rofi = let rofi_theme = pkgs.writeTextFile { name = "Rofi_Theme.rasi"; text = '' * { margin: 0; background-color: transparent; padding: 0; spacing: 0; text-color: ${dracula_theme.hex.foreground}; } window { width: 768px; border: 1px; border-radius: 16px; border-color: ${dracula_theme.hex.purple}; background-color: ${dracula_theme.hex.background}; } mainbox { padding: 16px; } inputbar { border: 1px; border-radius: 8px; border-color: ${dracula_theme.hex.comment}; background-color: ${dracula_theme.hex.current_line}; padding: 8px; spacing: 8px; children: [ "prompt", "entry" ]; } prompt { text-color: ${dracula_theme.hex.foreground}; } entry { placeholder-color: ${dracula_theme.hex.comment}; placeholder: "Search"; } listview { margin: 16px 0px 0px 0px; fixed-height: false; lines: 8; columns: 2; } element { border-radius: 8px; padding: 8px; spacing: 8px; children: [ "element-icon", "element-text" ]; } element-icon { vertical-align: 0.5; size: 1em; } element-text { text-color: inherit; } element.selected { background-color: ${dracula_theme.hex.current_line}; } ''; }; in { enable = true; package = pkgs.rofi-wayland; plugins = with pkgs; [ ]; cycle = false; terminal = "${pkgs.kitty}/bin/kitty"; location = "center"; font = "${font_name.sans_serif} 11"; extraConfig = { show-icons = true; display-drun = "Applications"; disable-history = false; }; theme = "${rofi_theme}"; }; waybar = { enable = true; systemd = { enable = true; # target = ; }; settings = { top_bar = { start_hidden = false; reload_style_on_change = true; position = "top"; exclusive = true; layer = "top"; passthrough = false; fixed-center = true; spacing = 4; modules-left = [ "power-profiles-daemon" "idle_inhibitor" "backlight" "pulseaudio" "bluetooth" "network" ]; modules-center = [ "clock" ]; modules-right = [ "privacy" "keyboard-state" "systemd-failed-units" "disk" "memory" "cpu" "battery" ]; power-profiles-daemon = { format = "{icon}"; format-icons = { performance = ""; balanced = ""; power-saver = ""; }; tooltip = true; tooltip-format = "Driver: {driver}\nProfile: {profile}"; }; idle_inhibitor = { start-activated = false; format = "{icon}"; format-icons = { activated = ""; deactivated = ""; }; tooltip = true; tooltip-format-activated = "{status}"; tooltip-format-deactivated = "{status}"; }; backlight = { device = "intel_backlight"; interval = 1; format = "{percent}% {icon}"; format-icons = [ "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ]; tooltip = true; tooltip-format = "{percent}% {icon}"; on-scroll-up = "brightnessctl s +1%"; on-scroll-down = "brightnessctl s 1%-"; reverse-scrolling = false; reverse-mouse-scrolling = false; scroll-step = 1.0; }; pulseaudio = { format = "{volume}% {icon} {format_source}"; format-muted = "{icon} {format_source}"; format-bluetooth = "{volume}% {icon} {format_source}"; format-bluetooth-muted = "{icon} {format_source}"; format-source = " {volume}% "; format-source-muted = ""; format-icons = { default = [ "" "" "" ]; default-muted = ""; speaker = ""; speaker-muted = ""; headphone = ""; headphone-muted = ""; headset = ""; headset-muted = ""; hands-free = ""; hands-free-muted = ""; phone = ""; phone-muted = ""; portable = ""; portable-muted = ""; hdmi = ""; hdmi-muted = ""; hifi = ""; hifi-muted = ""; car = ""; car-muted = ""; }; tooltip = true; tooltip-format = "{desc}"; scroll-step = 1.0; reverse-scrolling = false; reverse-mouse-scrolling = false; max-volume = 100; on-scroll-up = "wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 1%+"; on-scroll-down = "wpctl set-volume @DEFAULT_AUDIO_SINK@ 1%-"; on-click = "uwsm app -- pavucontrol"; }; bluetooth = { format = "{status} {icon}"; format-disabled = "Disabled {icon}"; format-off = "Off {icon}"; format-on = "On {icon}"; format-connected = "{device_alias} {icon}"; format-connected-battery = "{device_alias} ({device_battery_percentage}%)"; format-icons = { no-controller = ""; disabled = ""; off = ""; on = ""; connected = ""; }; tooltip = true; tooltip-format = "Status: {status}\nController Address: {controller_address} ({controller_address_type})\nController Alias: {controller_alias}"; tooltip-format-disabled = "Status: Disabled"; tooltip-format-off = "Status: Off"; tooltip-format-on = "Status: On\nController Address: {controller_address} ({controller_address_type})\nController Alias: {controller_alias}"; tooltip-format-connected = "Status: Connected\nController Address: {controller_address} ({controller_address_type})\nController Alias: {controller_alias}\nConnected Devices ({num_connections}): {device_enumerate}"; tooltip-format-connected-battery = "Status: Connected\nController Address: {controller_address} ({controller_address_type})\nController Alias: {controller_alias}\nConnected Devices ({num_connections}): {device_enumerate}"; tooltip-format-enumerate-connected = "\n\tAddress: {device_address} ({device_address_type})\n\tAlias: {device_alias}"; tooltip-format-enumerate-connected-battery = "\n\tAddress: {device_address} ({device_address_type})\n\tAlias: {device_alias}\n\tBattery: {device_battery_percentage}%"; on-click = "uwsm app -- blueman-manager"; }; network = { interval = 1; format = "{bandwidthUpBytes} {bandwidthDownBytes}"; format-disconnected = "Disconnected "; format-linked = "No IP "; format-ethernet = "{bandwidthUpBytes} {bandwidthDownBytes}"; format-wifi = "{bandwidthUpBytes} {bandwidthDownBytes}"; tooltip = true; tooltip-format = "Interface: {ifname}\nGateway: {gwaddr}\nSubnet Mask: {netmask}\nCIDR Notation: {cidr}\nIP Address: {ipaddr}\nUp Speed: {bandwidthUpBytes}\nDown Speed: {bandwidthDownBytes}\nTotal Speed: {bandwidthTotalBytes}"; tooltip-format-disconnected = "Disconnected"; tooltip-format-ethernet = "Interface: {ifname}\nGateway: {gwaddr}\nSubnet Mask: {netmask}\nCIDR Notation= {cidr}\nIP Address: {ipaddr}\nUp Speed: {bandwidthUpBytes}\nDown Speed: {bandwidthDownBytes}\nTotal Speed: {bandwidthTotalBytes}"; tooltip-format-wifi = "Interface: {ifname}\nESSID: {essid}\nFrequency: {frequency} GHz\nStrength: {signaldBm} dBm ({signalStrength}%)\nGateway: {gwaddr}\nSubnet Mask: {netmask}\nCIDR Notation: {cidr}\nIP Address: {ipaddr}\nUp Speed: {bandwidthUpBytes}\nDown Speed: {bandwidthDownBytes}\nTotal Speed: {bandwidthTotalBytes}"; on-click = "uwsm app -- nm-connection-editor"; }; clock = { timezone = config.time.timeZone; locale = "en_US"; interval = 1; format = "{:%I:%M:%S %p}"; format-alt = "{:%A, %B %d, %Y}"; tooltip = true; tooltip-format = "<tt><small>{calendar}</small></tt>"; calendar = { mode = "year"; mode-mon-col = 3; weeks-pos = "right"; format = { months = "<b>{}</b>"; days = "{}"; weekdays = "<b>{}</b>"; weeks = "<i>{:%U}</i>"; today = "<u>{}</u>"; }; }; }; privacy = { icon-size = 14; icon-spacing = 8; transition-duration = 200; modules = [ { type = "screenshare"; tooltip = true; tooltip-icon-size = 16; } { type = "audio-in"; tooltip = true; tooltip-icon-size = 16; } { type = "audio-out"; tooltip = true; tooltip-icon-size = 16; } ]; }; keyboard-state = { capslock = true; numlock = true; format = { capslock = ""; numlock = ""; }; }; systemd-failed-units = { system = true; user = true; hide-on-ok = false; format = "{nr_failed_system}, {nr_failed_user} "; format-ok = ""; }; disk = { path = "/"; unit = "GB"; interval = 1; format = "{percentage_used}% "; tooltip = true; tooltip-format = "Total: {specific_total} GB\nUsed: {specific_used} GB ({percentage_used}%)\nFree: {specific_free} GB ({percentage_free}%)"; on-click = "uwsm app -- kitty sh -c \"btop\""; }; memory = { interval = 1; format = "{percentage}% "; tooltip = true; tooltip-format = "Used RAM: {used} GiB ({percentage}%)\nUsed Swap: {swapUsed} GiB ({swapPercentage}%)\nAvailable RAM: {avail} GiB\nAvailable Swap: {swapAvail} GiB"; on-click = "uwsm app -- kitty sh -c \"btop\""; }; cpu = { interval = 1; format = "{usage}% "; tooltip = true; on-click = "uwsm app -- kitty sh -c \"btop\""; }; battery = { bat = "BAT0"; adapter = "AC0"; design-capacity = false; weighted-average = true; interval = 1; full-at = 100; states = { warning = 25; critical = 10; }; format = "{capacity}% {icon}"; format-plugged = "{capacity}% "; format-charging = "{capacity}% "; format-full = "{capacity}% {icon}"; format-alt = "{time} {icon}"; format-time = "{H} h {m} min"; format-icons = [ "" "" "" "" "" ]; tooltip = true; tooltip-format = "Capacity: {capacity}%\nPower: {power} W\n{timeTo}\nCycles: {cycles}\nHealth: {health}%"; on-click = "uwsm app -- kitty sh -c \"btop\""; }; }; bottom_bar = { start_hidden = false; reload_style_on_change = true; position = "bottom"; exclusive = true; layer = "top"; passthrough = false; fixed-center = true; spacing = 0; modules-left = [ "hyprland/workspaces" "wlr/taskbar" ]; modules-center = [ "hyprland/window" ]; modules-right = [ "tray" ]; "hyprland/workspaces" = { all-outputs = false; show-special = true; special-visible-only = false; active-only = false; format = "{name}"; move-to-monitor = false; }; "wlr/taskbar" = { all-outputs = false; active-first = false; sort-by-app-id = false; format = "{icon}"; icon-theme = "Dracula"; icon-size = 14; markup = true; tooltip = true; tooltip-format = "Title: {title}\nName: {name}\nID: {app_id}\nState: {state}"; on-click = "activate"; }; "hyprland/window" = { separate-outputs = true; icon = false; format = "{title}"; }; tray = { show-passive-items = true; reverse-direction = false; icon-size = 14; spacing = 4; }; }; }; style = '' * { font-family: ${font_name.sans_serif}; font-size: 14px; } window#waybar { border: none; background-color: transparent; } .modules-right > widget:last-child > #workspaces { margin-right: 0; } .modules-left > widget:first-child > #workspaces { margin-left: 0; } #power-profiles-daemon, #idle_inhibitor, #backlight, #pulseaudio, #bluetooth, #network, #keyboard-state, #clock, #privacy, #systemd-failed-units, #disk, #memory, #cpu, #battery, #window { border-radius: 16px; background-color: ${dracula_theme.hex.background}; padding: 2px 8px; color: ${dracula_theme.hex.foreground}; } #power-profiles-daemon.power-saver { color: ${dracula_theme.hex.green}; } #power-profiles-daemon.balanced { color: ${dracula_theme.hex.cyan}; } #power-profiles-daemon.performance { color: ${dracula_theme.hex.foreground}; } #idle_inhibitor.deactivated { color: ${dracula_theme.hex.foreground}; } #idle_inhibitor.activated { color: ${dracula_theme.hex.cyan}; } #pulseaudio.muted, #pulseaudio.source-muted { color: ${dracula_theme.hex.red}; } #pulseaudio.bluetooth { color: ${dracula_theme.hex.foreground}; } #bluetooth.no-controller, #bluetooth.disabled, #bluetooth.off { color: ${dracula_theme.hex.red}; } #bluetooth.on, #bluetooth.discoverable, #bluetooth.pairable { color: ${dracula_theme.hex.foreground}; } #bluetooth.discovering, #bluetooth.connected { color: ${dracula_theme.hex.cyan}; } #network.disabled, #network.disconnected, #network.linked { color: ${dracula_theme.hex.red}; } #network.etherenet, #network.wifi { color: ${dracula_theme.hex.foreground}; } #privacy-item.audio-out { color: ${dracula_theme.hex.foreground}; } #privacy-item.audio-in, #privacy-item.screenshare { color: ${dracula_theme.hex.cyan}; } #keyboard-state label { margin: 0px 4px; } #keyboard-state label.locked { color: ${dracula_theme.hex.cyan}; } #systemd-failed-units.ok { color: ${dracula_theme.hex.foreground}; } #systemd-failed-units.degraded { color: ${dracula_theme.hex.red}; } #battery.plugged, #battery.full { color: ${dracula_theme.hex.foreground}; } #battery.charging { color: ${dracula_theme.hex.cyan}; } #battery.warning { color: ${dracula_theme.hex.yellow}; } #battery.critical { color: ${dracula_theme.hex.red}; } #workspaces, #taskbar, #tray { background-color: transparent; } button { margin: 0px 2px; border-radius: 16px; background-color: ${dracula_theme.hex.background}; padding: 0px; color: ${dracula_theme.hex.foreground}; } button * { padding: 0px 4px; } button.active { background-color: ${dracula_theme.hex.current_line}; } #window label { padding: 0px 4px; font-size: 11px; } #tray > widget { border-radius: 16px; background-color: ${dracula_theme.hex.background}; color: ${dracula_theme.hex.foreground}; } #tray image { padding: 0px 8px; } #tray > .passive { -gtk-icon-effect: dim; } #tray > .active { background-color: ${dracula_theme.hex.current_line}; } #tray > .needs-attention { background-color: ${dracula_theme.hex.comment}; -gtk-icon-effect: highlight; } #tray > widget:hover { background-color: ${dracula_theme.hex.current_line}; } ''; }; kitty = { enable = true; shellIntegration = { mode = "no-rc"; enableBashIntegration = true; }; font = { name = font_name.mono; package = pkgs.nerd-fonts.noto; size = 11; }; keybindings = { }; settings = { sync_to_monitor = "yes"; window_padding_width = "0 4 0 4"; confirm_os_window_close = 0; enable_audio_bell = "yes"; detect_urls = "yes"; scrollback_lines = -1; click_interval = -1; foreground = dracula_theme.hex.foreground; background = dracula_theme.hex.background; selection_foreground = "#ffffff"; selection_background = dracula_theme.hex.current_line; url_color = dracula_theme.hex.cyan; title_fg = dracula_theme.hex.foreground; title_bg = dracula_theme.hex.background; margin_bg = dracula_theme.hex.comment; margin_fg = dracula_theme.hex.current_line; removed_bg = dracula_theme.hex.red; highlight_removed_bg = dracula_theme.hex.red; removed_margin_bg = dracula_theme.hex.red; added_bg = dracula_theme.hex.green; highlight_added_bg = dracula_theme.hex.green; added_margin_bg = dracula_theme.hex.green; filler_bg = dracula_theme.hex.current_line; hunk_margin_bg = dracula_theme.hex.current_line; hunk_bg = dracula_theme.hex.purple; search_bg = dracula_theme.hex.cyan; search_fg = dracula_theme.hex.background; select_bg = dracula_theme.hex.yellow; select_fg = dracula_theme.hex.background; # Splits / Windows active_border_color = dracula_theme.hex.foreground; inactive_border_color = dracula_theme.hex.comment; # Tab Bar active_tab_foreground = dracula_theme.hex.background; active_tab_background = dracula_theme.hex.foreground; inactive_tab_foreground = dracula_theme.hex.background; inactive_tab_background = dracula_theme.hex.comment; # Marks mark1_foreground = dracula_theme.hex.background; mark1_background = dracula_theme.hex.red; # Cursor cursor = dracula_theme.hex.foreground; cursor_text_color = dracula_theme.hex.background; # Black color0 = "#21222c"; color8 = dracula_theme.hex.comment; # Red color1 = dracula_theme.hex.red; color9 = "#ff6e6e"; # Green color2 = dracula_theme.hex.green; color10 = "#69ff94"; # Yellow color3 = dracula_theme.hex.yellow; color11 = "#ffffa5"; # Blue color4 = dracula_theme.hex.purple; color12 = "#d6acff"; # Magenta color5 = dracula_theme.hex.pink; color13 = "#ff92df"; # Cyan color6 = dracula_theme.hex.cyan; color14 = "#a4ffff"; # White color7 = dracula_theme.hex.foreground; color15 = "#ffffff"; }; extraConfig = '' ''; }; git.enable = true; # Needed for config.home-manager.users.bitscoper.programs.git.* }; } ]; users.bitscoper = { programs = { git = { userName = "Abdullah As-Sadeed"; userEmail = "bitscoper@gmail.com"; }; }; }; verbose = true; }; } # FIXME: PCManFM > Oculante # TODO: Hyprland Configurations # TODO: PCManFM > Thumbnailers # TODO: greetd > GUI
Dynamically fetched from the configuration.nix file of my GitHub repository.